GCA Dress Code

The Bible gives us three principles on how a Christian should dress.

Wholesome - 1 Thess. 5:22 | Gender Distinctive - Det. 22:5 | Modestly - 1Tim. 2:9

We at GCA would like that your appearance be wholesome and modest. This is not because God cares about your clothing or that it has anything to do with your education or salvation. We do believe that your dress should not be a stumbling block or distraction to your brother and that you should dress appropriately for your job “school”

Girls' bra straps and backs must be covered.
Low and revealing necklines are prohibited.
Girls may wear slacks or other modest fitting pants, skirts, or dresses.
Skirts and dresses should at least touch the knee. Slits should not be above the knee.
Leggings or jeggings may not be worn as pants. They may be worn under a skirt.

Boys' shirts must be tucked in if they are more than six inches below the waist.
Boys' pants must be worn at their waist, be free from holes and excess wear.

All Students:
No exposed skin/underwear at the waist line.
No one may wear hats during the school day.
Tank Tops must be a minimum of two fingers across.
No inappropriate writing or pictures on any clothing.
No excessively tight clothing
Your appearance should be clean and well kept. You are representing Christ and GCA in your community.